US elections 2024
Can disqualify Trump for the US president elections 2024
A wave of demands to declare Mr. Trump ineligible for the presidency is sweeping across several states.
The core argument behind these calls is his alleged participation in the insurrection during the US Capitol riots three years ago.
This has ignited a legal discourse, primarily centered around whether the constitutional
amendment from the post-Civil War era disqualifies Mr. Trump from standing as a candidate
The US Supreme Court has announced its intention to hold a historic hearing to determine whether Donald Trump can proceed to the presidency.
This landmark case will highlight the constitutional nuances surrounding Mr.
Trump's eligibility and is expected to set an important precedent for future election contests.
Colorado's Ruling and Appeal:
In a noteworthy development, a Colorado ruling in favor of considering an appeal to remove Mr. Trump from the 2024 ballot has gained prominence.
The case is scheduled for a thorough examination in February, and the resulting verdict is poised to have nationwide ramifications.
As legal battles unfold in various states, the question of Mr. Trump's eligibility for the presidency takes center stage.
The upcoming Supreme Court hearing and the Colorado ruling are pivotal moments that will shape the trajectory of this legal saga,
influencing not only the 2024 election but also delineating the roles and responsibilities of key institutions in the electoral process.
Stay tuned for further updates as this complex legal maze continues to unravel.